A downloadable Glen-venture

Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

Glen: A Dull Journey into the Unremarkable— is a short (think 10 minute), single-player, 2D game that celebrates the mundane, the tedious, and the utterly uneventful. 

This Glen-venture (as Glen with one 'n' would call it), finally answers the question "What if a guy with no skill learnt to code/make Unity games just to make a really boring game?"

In this game, you get to experience the life of an unremarkable person. Switch between first person and third person, as you revel in the routine of everyday life.

Among other things, you'll get to experience the thrills of watching Glen (with one 'n') watch the grass grow, use tweezers and click/tap your screen to pick lint off Glen's favourite jumper and a first-person middle-of-your-seat click-and-drag experience as you assist Glen in cleaning the refrigerator at his work!

The goal is to complete all of the tedious tasks, allowing you to transform into the "Ultimate Glen."

If you've ever wondered what it's like to immerse yourself in the most ordinary tasks, this game is your portal to a world where excitement takes a backseat to the joy of sheer monotony.

Our *ahem* hero (?) Glen (with one 'n') is a Devotee of the Dull, the Sultan of the Simple the Reverend of the Routine., the Guardian of the Grey, the Patron of the Predictable, the Monarch of the Mundane.

Key Features:

First and third person gameplay -wait- second? I dunno

10-20 minute gameplay for those with short attention spans/short of time

A heart-warming message(??)

Secret Easter Egg specifically for the dull people of the world(!)

This game is for the every-man (or woman), who just wants to stand up and yell "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE DULL........and I apologise for making a scene. I'm off to the supermarket".


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this Glen-venture you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Glen.zip 44 MB